Top 5 Things Every Malaysian Students Need to Know Before Studying Overseas

Oh, the excitement of exploring a new country while pursuing your studies! Studying overseas is a unique and exciting experience. There is a certain sense of accomplishment you gain when living away from your familiar surroundings, managing your expenses, and most importantly taking care of yourself. We’re sure many of you are excited to experience …

Are You Planning on Pursuing Your Dreams in the UK?

Here’s an opportunity to meet top UK university representatives at our Global Virtual Education Fair this October! Scroll through to know more. The industrial revolution 2.0 was a leap forward in the already technologically advanced world. Many witnessed the origin of new innovations and creativity in the U.K., that it had surfaced as one of …

Student Life in Canada: Everything You Ought to Know!

Life is all about keeping things balanced. As a student, it might feel like your one main goal is to accomplish and succeed in your education and exams while studying abroad. But hey, a little fun along the way hurts nobody, right? It’s so important to have an “It’s now or never!” attitude while studying abroad. …

Reasons for Working While Studying Overseas

Many will feel overwhelming working and studying at the same time, worried that they are not able to catch up with their school works. But we say this is the best time to experience life! Because right after you graduates, it is adulthood you are facing – career, family and money. Unless your family is …

Places of Interest in Canada   

Canada, one of the world’s renowned countries, apart from its top-quality education, also takes pride in its natural beauty. Additionally, Canada is one of the safest study destinations for students who come from different corners of the world every year. So, apart from the wonderful landscapes and a fresh environment, does Canada have more to offer? Oh …

How Studying Overseas Can Change Your Life

Wondering what makes studying overseas different and exciting? We’ll tell you all about it! Along with access to better quality education, the whole experience of living in and adjusting to a new place and culture far away from home is absolutely worthwhile. You will get to pick up on cultural, political, and environmental nuances that …

Cost of Living | Study in Canada

Have you always dreamt of studying in the world’s second-largest country? If yes, then you’re on the right page. Not only is Canada the best study destination for international students, but the country also measures a total of 9.984 million square kilometres which makes it a beautiful place that you can rejoice exploring. 3 Canadian cities …

General Entry Requirements to Pursue Your Studying Overseas Dream

Have you been thinking of going overseas to pursue your higher education degree? If yes, you’ve probably spent countless hours doing research online, right? While doing so, have you gotten clarity on which path you should be taking? Which destination should you choose? Maybe yes, maybe not. Recently, many universities, especially in Australia, New Zealand, …

What You Really Need to Know about Online Education.

Has the current global scenario disrupted the future of aspiring students, requiring them to put a temporary halt on their study abroad plans?  We think not. The world today has taken the plunge to change, reinvent and adapt to the alternative approaches towards leading everyday life, and things are no different for the education industry …

7 Tips to Manage Your Money While Studying Overseas

Studying overseas is one of the most exciting experiences that you can rejoice in your life. We know, we know… Everything is so attractive, especially the food! Who can resist right?! Just try it ‘cuz you only live once! But the one thing to keep in mind is make sure you don’t get carried away …

The Value of Education Counsellors

In the age of social media and handheld devices, gathering information can be done at a click of a button any time at your convenience. Whether you are researching for the best university in Australia or the UK, or the lifestyle of international students in Sydney you can do it anywhere you are. Having done …

Top Courses to Study in Australia for International students            

Did you know? Australia attracts around 637,415 international students, according to June 2020. This is a 1% increase in the number of students interested to study in Australia than that of June 2019. Currently, in accordance to UNESCO, 15,113 Malaysians are studying in Australia. With nearly 1,100 institutions and 43 universities, Australia is one of the …