The University of Queensland, Top Research University

Standing in the top 50’s, The University of Queensland has its campus scattered across St. Lucia, Gatton and Herston. For more than a century, The University of Queensland (UQ) has educated and worked with outstanding people to deliver knowledge leadership for a better world. The University of Queensland is most notable in the research field, …

Why study at University of Canberra?

2019 marks 52 years since the Canberra College of Advanced Education Act was founded. It has since been renamed into University of Canberra in 1990. At only 29 years old, the university has taken a prestigious spot as one of the youngest universities in the world. Nevertheless, in the years of its operation, its remarkable achievements …

How international students feel at Monash University?

Every year, students from all across the nation strive to earn their spot in top universities that can possibly secure their future. As a member of Australia’s prestigious Group of Eight universities, there is no doubt that Monash University, the largest university in Australia is one of the most popular choices of the aspiring youths. …

Earth Sciences at University of Tasmania

University of Tasmania. Strive for excellence. In the University of Tasmania, academic excellence and performance has always been hold accountable for one to realize his/her dream. Studying abroad has made better with a place like UTAS to learn and play at the same time. UTAS is just the perfect choice for you if your interest …

Study Chiropractic Science with the best at Macquarie University

Chiropractic Science might seem like a rare course, but Macquarie University has made it possible for those that aspire to treat spines and bones for the healthier lives of others. Here in Macquarie University, you will be a part of the most established chiropractic program in Australia. Those functional and compacted technique classes will put …


澳洲总共有45所公私立学校。然而,澳洲政府并没有公布正式的大学排行。澳洲的大学有几个类别,根据学生的需求和热情寻找适合的学校是非常重要的。三个大分类分别是: 八大院校联盟(GO8) 八大院校联盟包含八所世界顶尖研究取向的澳洲大学。这些大学大多是澳洲最为久远的大学,以研究为主并致力于发展高等教育。因其多年来在全球大学排名中名列前茅,一直以来都相当受到学生欢迎。八大院校联盟的成员包含:西澳大学(The University of Western Australia)、莫那什大学(Monash University)、墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne)、新南威尔士大学(UNSW Sydney)、昆士兰大学( The University of Queensland)和悉尼大学(The University of Sydney)。 澳洲科技大学联盟( ATN) ATN是澳洲科技网路的缩写,由五所产业及创新为主的大学所组成。他们与企业伙伴维持紧密合作,共同解决世界议题,因此让他们的学生都具有重要的批判性思考和解决问题的。能力澳洲科技大学联盟的成员有:悉尼科技大学( University of Technology Sydney)、皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT University)、昆士兰科技大学(Queensland University of Technology)、南澳大学(University of South Australia)和科廷大学(Curtin University)。 澳洲创新研究大学联盟(IRU) 澳洲创新研究大学联盟是一个由七所特色为以其教育及研究上的包容性为指导原则的大学。澳洲创新研究大学联盟在澳洲大学政策制定和倡导支持教学,学习和研究区别的政策中扮演 重要角色。澳洲创新研究大学联盟的成员有:查尔斯达尔文大学(Charles Darwin University)、詹姆士库克大学(James Cook University)、格里菲斯大学(Griffith University)、西悉尼大学(Western Sydney University)、拉筹伯大学(La Trobe University)、弗林德斯大学( Flinders University)和莫道克大学(Murdoch University)。 正确选择澳洲城市或州 澳洲有六个州(WA、SA、VIC、NSW、QLD、TAS)和两块自治领地(ACT和NT)。各个州以向联邦政府上报的近乎相同的方式管理。然而,根据特殊主题如日光节约而在法律及规范上稍有不同。各州人口数并不相同。 学费和生活费用的承受能力 各个州和城市在住宿上会有不同花费,并且大多数大学的学费与该城市的消费水准关系密切。举例而言,在雪梨的悉尼大学的住宿费和学费远远高 于位于塔斯马尼亚州霍巴特市的塔斯马尼亚大学。 生活方式和学习氛围 …

University of Otago, One of the best Medical & Pharmacy school in New Zealand

University of Otago, One of the best Medical & Pharmacy schools in New Zealand If you’re looking for a Medical and Pharmacy school to spend your undergraduate years at, why not look into the University of Otago? In 2018, the University of Otago made its remarkable achievement as it stood out as one of the …


澳洲是一块美丽陆地。从大地之母的恩赐、黄金海岸、热带荒野到壮观的城市,澳洲是一块充满异国情调的壮丽大陆。除此之外,澳洲高品质的教育更将这个国家声望带至高峰。澳洲的高等教育是所有海外国家之中的上上之选。但是什么使得澳洲的教育如此独一无二?以下是主要原因: 世界頂尖的大学 澳洲有世界上最好的教育制度。澳洲有43所以上的大学多年来被评比为世界顶尖大学,并且有1200间以上的教育机构提供22000个以上的学程。澳洲是经常积极监督和管理教育部门的国家之一,以此来确保提供给学生的教育品质有所保证。这里也提供被视为澳洲经济建设者的国际学生各种特殊的协助及关注。 工作机会 许多国际学生偏好在他们取得高等教育文凭的国家工作,在澳洲有许多工作机会等着您大展身手。另外,根据近期的政策变动,国际学生将有更多机会在澳洲求学或工作。 奖学金 澳洲所有的顶尖大学都有提供一系列的奖学金给国际学生申请。有了提供给国际学生的奖学金,澳洲将是相对于其他留学区域中较可负担的选择。 启发 澳洲一直以来都是创新教育的先驱之一。这里的教育相当实用,多为应用取向。学生拥有许多空间发挥创意及更广阔的范围展开他们的项目。 多元性 澳洲是一个非常多元化的国家,相对于美国和欧洲国家拥有更高的包容性。这里是众多文化及种族的大熔炉,充满活力的澳洲城市,如墨尔本、悉尼等被认为是世界上最适宜居住的城市。这些原因使得澳洲成为马来西亚学生梦想中的目的地。 不过出国留学代表着有一系列的流程及规范等着您。因此,学生此时经常需要深刻的洞察和适当的引导。对于寻找教育咨询顾问的人来说,AECC Global是您最佳的选择。 AECC Global是马来西亚领先的教育咨询公司,请立即联系他们获取建议。

2018/19 British Council IELTS Prize

2018/19 British Council IELTS Prize Feel burdened by the large sum of money for education? Lift that weight off your shoulders because……. The IELTS Prize is here to award tuition fee subsidy for British Council IELTS test takers who intend to start their undergraduate or postgraduate programmes overseas or locally in 2019/20. It allows IELTS high …

The Future Trend in Australia Education

Riding on the waves of Digital Trends and Choosing the right University There is an abundance of predictions on the future trends claiming that lots of jobs are still non-existent yet in this day and age. Although they are merely predictions, Australian universities have picked up the pace and responded quickly to provide sufficient education …

Journey of a student studying Property (Business) at UniSA

“Education is not only a ladder of opportunity, but also an investment in our future”, a beautiful quote by the highly respected Ed Markey further strengthens the perception of how education is the baby steps towards our life successes. We are constantly reminded about the vitality of education and how it could possibly affect not …