Cost of Living | Study in Canada

Have you always dreamt of studying in the world’s second-largest country? If yes, then you’re on the right page. Not only is Canada the best study destination for international students, but the country also measures a total of 9.984 million square kilometres which makes it a beautiful place that you can rejoice exploring. 3 Canadian cities …

General Entry Requirements to Pursue Your Studying Overseas Dream

Have you been thinking of going overseas to pursue your higher education degree? If yes, you’ve probably spent countless hours doing research online, right? While doing so, have you gotten clarity on which path you should be taking? Which destination should you choose? Maybe yes, maybe not. Recently, many universities, especially in Australia, New Zealand, …

What You Really Need to Know about Online Education.

Has the current global scenario disrupted the future of aspiring students, requiring them to put a temporary halt on their study abroad plans?  We think not. The world today has taken the plunge to change, reinvent and adapt to the alternative approaches towards leading everyday life, and things are no different for the education industry …

The Value of Education Counsellors

In the age of social media and handheld devices, gathering information can be done at a click of a button any time at your convenience. Whether you are researching for the best university in Australia or the UK, or the lifestyle of international students in Sydney you can do it anywhere you are. Having done …

Things You Should Know Before Studying in Canada

Canada. A picturesque country, known for its brilliant education, Niagara Falls, maple syrup, ice hockey and most importantly, Ryan Gosling (yep he’s cute don’t @ me), consistently ranks as one of the best countries in the world. It is currently rated the #1 country for great quality of life. This accreditation by itself pretty much …