How to Make Your Personal Statement Stand Out? | University Application

Oi, time to go for a higher level of study right? Thinking of applying to your favourite universities overseas? Here’s that one thing that plays a very important part in your student visa application – the Statement of Purpose (also known as Personal Statement).  What is an SOP/Personal Statement, you ask?  A statement of Purpose …

WTF Series: Business (What is Triple Crown?)

We’re glad to see you again! Let’s learn something new about the field of business, shall we? Read the blog and learn what is Triple Crown and how you can benefit by choosing a business course that has triple accreditations.  1. What is Triple Crown? Is accreditation important to a business degree? Triple crown or …

Here’s Why Exactly You Shouldn’t Cry Over Bad Grades

Grades are not good enough? It’s not the end of the world.  If you are here because you could not score really well in your examinations, then you are in the right place. Let’s not talk about why you did not put in enough efforts or why couldn’t perform well in exams because what’s done …

It’s Time to Make Some Smart Choices After Your A-Level Result

We are guessing you are here because you just aced your A-level. If yes, then congratulations on completing your A-level examinations. That’s a huge milestone! It’s time to plan for the road ahead Now comes one of the most interesting and important stages in your life. It would be right to say that you are …

Do You Actually Know How Student Insurance Works in the USA?

Budgeting and managing expenses is a common concern for most international students who aspire to study abroad. Expenses related to tuition fees, monthly accommodation, your transportation charges, food expenses and other extra expenses maybe a little more than expected, and if not planned wisely, it may result in stress and confusion. In addition to these, …

Why Should You Stick With Your Study Abroad Plans?

Are you wondering if your plans to study abroad post COVID-19 would be a good decision?  We give you a big YES!  When countries from across the globe imposed a world-wide lockdown, everything came to a pause, especially education. However, things have slowly gotten better since March and people are moving towards their regular lifestyle.  …

Top 5 Things Every Malaysian Students Need to Know Before Studying Overseas

Oh, the excitement of exploring a new country while pursuing your studies! Studying overseas is a unique and exciting experience. There is a certain sense of accomplishment you gain when living away from your familiar surroundings, managing your expenses, and most importantly taking care of yourself. We’re sure many of you are excited to experience …

How Studying Overseas Can Change Your Life

Wondering what makes studying overseas different and exciting? We’ll tell you all about it! Along with access to better quality education, the whole experience of living in and adjusting to a new place and culture far away from home is absolutely worthwhile. You will get to pick up on cultural, political, and environmental nuances that …

General Entry Requirements to Pursue Your Studying Overseas Dream

Have you been thinking of going overseas to pursue your higher education degree? If yes, you’ve probably spent countless hours doing research online, right? While doing so, have you gotten clarity on which path you should be taking? Which destination should you choose? Maybe yes, maybe not. Recently, many universities, especially in Australia, New Zealand, …

7 Tips to Manage Your Money While Studying Overseas

Studying overseas is one of the most exciting experiences that you can rejoice in your life. We know, we know… Everything is so attractive, especially the food! Who can resist right?! Just try it ‘cuz you only live once! But the one thing to keep in mind is make sure you don’t get carried away …

The Value of Education Counsellors

In the age of social media and handheld devices, gathering information can be done at a click of a button any time at your convenience. Whether you are researching for the best university in Australia or the UK, or the lifestyle of international students in Sydney you can do it anywhere you are. Having done …